It's Not About The Guns. Or Is It?
(This is part two of an ongoing series where TRBT staff discusses their thoughts on the Second Amendment) After the Parkland shooting at...

Infiltrating the National Socialist Movement.
Throughout my years as an activist and as a journalist I have heard stories of people joining the Neo-Nazi movement or attempting to...

Are guns really the issue?
We are in a defining moment in American history where we can not seem to go more than a week without tragedy. Many of these events...

Victimless Crimes. How the State Creates Criminals.
"If the state is the only victim, then there is no crime." The term victimless crime is thrown around quite a bit in today's current...

Greater Cincinnati Water Works Admits Costs to Property Owners for Lead Service Pipe Replacement Are
On Thursday evening, I attended the monthly meeting for the Cincinnati chapter of the NAACP. Their guest speaker was Cathy Bernardino...

Cincinnati Provides Clean Water--For a $5,000+ Price Tag.
Avondale is a neighborhood in central Cincinnati. Once prosperous, it has fallen on hard times in the past half century or so. Even with...

Is Mason, Ohio A Hotbed Of White Nationalism?
If you take I-71N from downtown Cincinnati, you will reach Mason, Ohio in approximately 20-25 minutes. Located in Warren County, Mason is...

If It Pleases The Crown. An analysis of the American "Injustice" system.
Many people are deluded into believing the United States is a beacon of Freedom. We are allegedly the most free people in the world...

Fr. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to plead guilty to "Willfully and Knowingly" l
There has been a lot of "hoopla" around the Trump Administration and the Russian connection. Russia is believed to have meddled in the...

An Open Letter to the Ohio State Highway Patrol
To whom it may concern; On November 12th, 2017 I was pulled over by a unit with the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Madison Co., OH. I was...