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Is New Rap to Blame for Depression?

With the wave of "Emo" Hip-hop, the same critiques of gangster rap is resurging.

Music is destroying our kids. We must sensor their music etc etc.

We all know that this is shit. Music is a reflection of the times. Late stage Capitalism mixed with the side effects of drugs has lead to this period in American Culture and depression amongst those in their teens and twenties.

(XXXtentacion. Image Source - Broward Co. Sheriff's department.)

Most of us grew up in single parent homes, drugs and alcohol played a pivotal role in our lives. We saw CPS and police interfere in our lives. Many of us spent time in lock up before 18 and grew up idolizing those on TV. This is the life of a 90's baby, not born with a silver spoon up their ass.

Now you ask why we idolize those like XXXtentacion, or Joey Bada$$? Because they speak what we lived. We saw our parents do drugs. We saw crack and pills. We saw our older siblings sell to provide for us.

You as the older generation are to blame. You're piss poor choices in life lead to us. You late boomers and Gen X'ers that raised us are to blame for how fucked we are. Yet, we blame it on Pop Culture.

Was it NWA's fault for gangs? No. So is it X, or Juice Wrld's fault for depression? Emphatically no.

To quote Ice-Cube...

"You betta check yourself, before you wreck yourself."

Remember, the same shit you're saying about Millennials and Gen Y, The Boomers said about you.

Do not turn into the old fuddy duddies that you rebelled against. Do not become a hypocrite.

Food for thought.

(Opinion Editorial by Jaimes Campbell)

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