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NRA Choosing Sides

Today the National Rifle Association just picked sides in a political fight. Instead of supporting all Americans' right to own a firearm, they have chosen to only defend the right-wing supporters. In a new video, that can only be described as pure propaganda, the NRA has advocated for those on the right to take up arms against the left and anyone who opposes Donald Trump.

The NRA was originally founded in 1871 by General Wingate and Colonel Church of the Union army to further citizens’ abilities to shoot a rifle accurately. It remained a training association until 1934 when it started to inform people on the laws and people’s rights concerning firearms. It was in 1975 when they first became involved in legislation and lobbying after the creation of the Institute for Legislative Action.

While many people who were proponents of more gun control rallied against the NRA, they kept a neutral ground regarding political affiliation. They respected everyone’s right to own a firearm, and were supportive of both major political parties. That was until now.

In a video posted on Wednesday June 28th, the NRA has abandoned their political neutrality and choose one side, over all Americans. They have chosen to attack the media, protestors, and those who exercise their first amendment rights. By also choosing to support only right-wing advocates, they have chosen to only support the second amendment for those they agree with, instead of all Americans.

This video comes on the tail of the deafening silence from the NRA about the killing of Philando Castile, who was a legal gun owner who complied with police, and was still shot and killed. Officer Yanez, who was the officer who killed Mr. Castile, was acquitted of all charges and walks free. While the NRA says it stands up for legal gun owners, evidently it only stands up for certain ones.

However you feel about firearms, it is painfully obvious that the NRA no longer cares about their core values, and have only become a mouthpiece for those who wish to create more division in this country.

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