American Renaissance: "High-Class" Fascism
American Renaissance (AmRen) is a gathering of the elitist "Alt-Right." For the past several years this gathering has taken place in Montgomery Bell State Park, just outside of Dickson, Tennessee. Inside of this beautiful park, "white'-Nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and others gathered behind closed doors to teach attendees how be "better fascists." Big names such as Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor and other predominate hate mongers were in attendance. As we looked around the parking lot of the park, there were attendees from all over the world. The most frequent places seemed to be Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Alaska, but there were also some from Europe. There were roughly 150 protesters against AmRen from several different groups in the park. Tennessee Anti-Racist Action, the local NAACP, and Anti-Fascist protesters "Antifa" from all over the country showed up. There was very little interaction between the AmRen crowd and the protesters at first. Daniel Friberg, a Swedish white nationalist who is also a mining tycoon, came outside and attempted to defend his racist ideology.
(Daniel Friberg. Image source - Rust Belt Media)
Friberg said that "defending one's culture is not racist." One female Antifa protester reminded Friberg that the coffee he was drinking was not European that much of Swedish culture can be traced back to people he would deem inferior. Just a few minutes into this back in forth with Friberg and protesters, Jared Taylor came outside and pulled Friberg back into the conference. Many made jokes in reference to Friberg being "scolded" by Taylor.
Shortly after this, Park Rangers informed protesters that they were no longer allowed access into the public sections of the building. Previous to this, people were being allowed into restrooms, the gift shop and common area. Park Rangers began to infringe on protesters 1st amendment rights by forcing them off of the area directly in front of the building into an area about 25ft from the main doors. Several of the Antifa protesters made their way around the building to see the AmRen attendees on their break. There were about two dozen AmRen attendees on the 2nd and 3rd floor balconies of this building smoking and talking. Heckling ensued as AmRen people began calling protesters "Beta Men" and other cliche Alt-Right slogans.
(Several AmRen attendees overlooking Press and Antifa from a balcony. Image Source - Rust Belt Media)
As protesters were making their way back to the front of the building, an AmRen attendee ran off his hotel patio and attacked John Carico, a journalist with The Fifth Column. Both men were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. The Alt-Right member was taken away in an ambulance with injuries to his body and pride.
(Image Source - Facebook via Justin King)
As protesters reassembled at the front of the building, Tennessee State Park Rangers began to tell certain protesters that they did not have a permit and that they had to move to the "approved area." They more than implied that a permit was required to exercise free speech inside of the park.
In a more than politically active year on all ends of the spectrum, It is my opinion that we will see more mass events and potential clashing between opposing sides. Stay safe. (Article by Jaimes Campbell)