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American Injustice: Hypocrisy in Law

America was never meant for all. A nation, founded on the genocide of the Indigenous, enslavement of the African, and the disenfranchisement of women and the poor.

Since 1775 it has been money talks. Rich white men held all the power, owned the slaves, slaughtered the natives and had the vote.

(Image Source - Getty Images)

Fast forward to today, things have become covert. Slavery transformed into the prison industrial complex. Indigenous genocide has been moved from the front of the American psyche, to the remote reservations. Sticking the rightful owners of this land into conditions worse than many third world countries.

Women are still disenfranchised, making on average 23 cents less an hour. The poor are left to starve, freeze and be corralled into areas that no one cares about.

This is America. We have not changed, we have not learned. People go with the flow and are afraid to stand up against the ill treatment of others because it may negatively affect their station in life.

It is a damn shame that in the "Home of the Brave, and the Land of the Free" that we incarcerate more people for petty crimes than any other nation including the counties we are taught to fear.

We are a nation in crisis due to our own inaction. As long as we continue to vote against our interests, refuse to do the hands on work to fix our communities, refuse to look at things through the eyes of the disenfranchised, and refuse to accept that maybe just maybe our parents and their parents didn't know best. I am afraid that we will go the way of Rome.

We are responsible for our own destruction by simply not giving a fuck.

Apathy, the destroyer of all.

(Article by Jaimes Campbell)

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