If It Pleases The Crown. An analysis of the American "Injustice" system.
Many people are deluded into believing the United States is a beacon of Freedom. We are allegedly the most free people in the world making up 4% of the world's total population, yet we incarcerate more than 22% of the total population of incarcerated individuals world wide.
In the US, we have roughly 2.2 million individuals in the jail and prison system. According to a report by Time magazine, 39% or 576,000 people are incarcerated for nonviolent crimes.

(King George III of England. Portrait by Johann Zoffany)
Simply put, more than 1/3 of the inmate population should not be incarcerated. They are not an imminent threat to society or themselves.
Many of these people are in jail/prison for nonviolent drug related cases. Exposing these low level offenders to actual criminals has been proven to damage the lower offender, and can cause these people to become hardened criminals.
In this same system of charging people with victimless crimes and labeling them with a criminal record, we also see a systematic overcharging of minorities compared to their white counterparts.
According to a Bureau of Justice report, as of 2012 there were almost 95,000 people in Federal prisons for drugs. 38.8% of those were Black and 37.2% are Hispanic.
Black people represent 3 times higher in the federal prison population than the general population. It is clear there is a racial influence in arrests and convictions under the current system.
As we allow this labeling of Black and Brown people with felonies, we remove their right to vote. This insures many Red states stay red as large swaths of the populous are unable to vote due to victimless crimes.
We as a society are quick to judge, and hesitate to address the social inequalities that cause these situations.
"If it pleases the crown, we would love to live, thrive and survive. We do not wish to be killed by your mercenaries (police). We do not wish to be labeled criminals due to our pigmentation, religions or ideologies. We did not ask to be brought here, we did not ask to be discriminated against in all aspects in society, but we are done asking for our god given right to life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness."
(Article by Jaimes Campbell)