Jury Duty Notice SCAM ALERT
This happened to me last week. I got a voice mail yesterday from a person purporting to be a Hamilton County Sheriff's Sergeant. He had...

Sugarcreek Ohio: Activists Return to the Turner House.
Once again, activists have returned to the residence of Brock Turner, the Stanford rapist who despite his heinous crime, served only 3...

Deliberations Continue in Ray Tensing Trial
On the second day of deliberations in the trial of former University of Cincinnati police officer, Ray Tensing, for the murder of Samuel...

Remember Remember the 5th of November
Remember remember the 5th of November. November 5th is a worldwide "holiday" for all members of anonymous and those who support the...

Militia Madness: Why They Don't Exist To Protect Our Rights
This past year alone police have killed over 800 civilians. Last year, the final number was 986. Among the dead are women, children,...

The Cincinnati Tri-State area Unite in Prayer for Standing Rock
This afternoon at Jacob Hoffner Park in Northside, the American Indian Movement of Indiana and Kentucky with participation from Ohio and ...

School of the Americas & School of the Americas Watch
US Army opened the School of the Americas In 1946 the as (SOA) for “providing military education and training to military personnel of...

Family and Community Rebuilds Memorial for Sam DuBose
On Monday, the City of Cincinnati removed a street memorial that honored Sam DuBose at the corner of Rice and Valencia Streets in the...

Going Green: The importance of the 3rd party vote
A common narrative of this election cycle is that a vote for the third-party candidate is truly a vote for one of the two mainstream...

Black in AmeriKKKa, My experiences with systematic racism Vol.1
Being a Black man in America can be a hellish experience that I wouldn't wish on my enemies. We are systematically targeted by law...