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Antifascists Ensure NSM Message Goes Unheard in Newnan, Georgia

On Saturday, April 21, 2018 approximately 50 members of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) planned to gather at the Greenville Street Park at the center of Newnan, a small town of about 38,000 people in western Georgia at 3PM. The rally drew hundreds of counter protesters from all around the nation as well as a very heavy law enforcement presence. Members of several ANTIFA groups as well as Black Lives Matter activists swarmed Newnan on Saturday morning to find the entire town locked down. Barricades and fences were erected all around the park in the center of the town, and there were check points and barricades on several streets leading to the location of the planned rally. There were an estimated 400 officers positioned all over the town armed with military gear including MRAP vehicles, heavy riot gear, and military weapons. Many officers were also seen carrying “less than lethal” weapons such as the “Pepper ball” paintball guns.

"Don't pet the animals!"

As the day progressed, ANTIFA activists could be seen all through the town with police in tow. Many groups were circled by police and SWAT helicopters and followed by police in military vehicles. The level of fear from police could be felt in the air as the time approached for the NSM to arrive. Just prior to the planned time for the rally, several activists massed in the area that was designated by law enforcement for the counter protest. Almost at the same time heavily armed riot police filed in like storm troopers on the other side of the barricades. Upon entering the protest area, one could not help but notice that the Greenville Street Park, with fences and barricades all around it, looked very much like a zoo exhibit. Many of the counter protesters were heard shouting things such as “Don’t pet the animals” and “Nazis go home!” As 3pm came and went, there was no sign of the NSM. It was rumored that they had cancelled the event. Some were even saying that CNN was reporting they had bugged out. Other reports indicated they had experienced vehicle issues on their route to the rally. I spoke to one officer who had his identity concealed and would not identify himself. “I think they got a flat or something. They’re still coming though," he said.

“World War Two veterans are rolling in their graves right now seeing you armored cowards protecting Nazis!”

At approximately 4:15PM the air exploded with chants and taunts from the counter protesters. Angry shouts could be heard directed at both the NSM and law enforcement officers. One counter-protester was saying to the police “World War Two veterans are rolling in their graves right now seeing you armored cowards protecting Nazis!” Pj, my escort from the local ANTIFA group, turned to me and said “The Nazis are here.” The entire ambiance of the town changed instantly. As police helicopters circled above, a small plane flew a circle around the park towing a banner which read “Newnan believes in love for all.” This drew cheers from the counter-protesters as the plane flew over the NSM rally. When the commander of the NSM Jeff Schoep took the stage, the shouts and taunts from the ANTIFA protesters increased to such a level that he could no longer be heard. “This is a success right here.” Pj said. “Nobody can even hear them.” As the day wore on, counter-protesters never relented. The shouts and taunts increased every time the NSM tried to speak. “We want to send them a clear message.” One protester said, “No matter where they go, they will not be heard.” This was very much the case in Newnan where an obscene amount of tax dollars, man power, and military equipment were wasted to protect a small group of Nazis who ultimately went unheard.

One must ask, why all this military equipment? Why was there a need for police to be armed with heavy riot gear and fully automatic military rifles such as the M4 Carbine? Why did they need Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles? What was the purpose of having several police and S.W.A.T helicopters circling the area? Why were there drones following the protesters? I will be delving into these questions and more in the next few articles.

Article and photos by Mathieu Hubin.

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