Official Release by Jaimes Campbell
To whom it may concern,
There has been a great deal of confusion as to the degree of separation between projects I am involved with. One year ago, The Rust Belt Tribune was founded. As the Founder, I recruited team members. To this date we have 4 official staffers at TRBT. Myself, Lessa Leigh, Mathieu Hubin, and Jonathan Anderson. We have 2 freelance staffers on the team. They have gray press ID badges, if anyone is unable to produce credentials, they are NOT TRBT. If they have a WHITE ID and are not one of the listed staffers, they are NOT TRBT.
Now, Op. Feed the Streets was/is an initiative founded by The Rust Belt Tribune. This program is now hosted in Dayton by TRBT and the Rust Belt Action Network. In Columbus, we have other organizations involved with Op. Feed the Streets. The first event was on 1/20/17 at the Ohio Statehouse. We have been going strong since.
The Rust Belt Action Network is a separate entity from TRBT. They only share myself, and a namesake. No other members from TRBT are members of RBAN besides myself.
I understand the confusion as it is known that I am an activist, and that is more known than the fact that I am the Founder/Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of The Rust Belt Tribune. I have owned my bias several times and will continue to.
I hope that this statement will ease concerns and clear up confusion. If there are any further questions feel free to contact me at

(Photo by Freshour Photography)
-Jaimes Campbell