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Thoughts of a jailed revolutionary

This was originally written in jail. Sitting in lock down for 22hrs a day you have plenty of time to think. This is some of what came out of that time...

("We take the streets, we feed the streets." - Jaimes Campbell)

(Image Source - Mathieu Hubin TRBT Photojournalist)

The Revolution is love. If you are in activism for notoriety you should quit.

Only meet new recruits in well-lit, populated areas. Do not talk shop, just assess.

Make time for rest and relaxation. You will get burnt out without it.

Date inside of the revolution. Someone who doesn't understand or agree with what you do is a risk to you and your comrades.

Allow minority groups space in your organizations. If it is "all-white" it isn't "all right."

Do not argue economics with anyone. At this point in time it is futile. Until the system is dismantled, why argue how to replace it?

Do not argue solely along ideological lines in party. If you are a Trotskyist and won't work with a Maoist, you are the problem.

Do not organize on Social Media. Come on, did I really have to say that for the kids in the back?

Smaller groups run efficiently. It is better to have 4 teams of 4 than 1 team of 16 in my opinion.

Beware of "bandwagon" activists. They are not who you think they are.

Spend time with every individual in your cell/group. Get to know who they are, allow them to know you. It is key in building trust.

Make time to train individually and in group settings. Weights, running, reading and studying past revolutions and revolutionaries are critical in sharpening oneself.

Do not get lost in others ideologies. Study but realize most of those people failed somewhere along the way. Do not repeat their downfalls.

Be aware of all Local, State, and Federal laws and regulations in areas you are active. I.E. Driving, Home-ownership etc.

Avoid intoxication in public. Do not risk your freedom for fun.

Try to live clean and eat healthy. The revolution needs strong men and women.

Avoid unnecessary conflict and confrontation. Save your energies for the larger fight at hand.

Avoid shit-posting, shit talking or gaslighting of other activists. You may be 100% correct in your assessment of that person(s), but your improper etiquette diminishes your claims.

Network with groups not only in your general area, but expand your network to at least a 6 hour radius. 6 hours in generally an acceptable drive to make in 1 day.

Host meet and greets with other cells, clusters, and networks. Solidarity requires being aware of like-minded comrades.

And lastly, Never go out alone. If you are a known "dissident," you are at risk of being charged with trumped up charges, being harassed by LEO's or worse.

Stay safe, Stay sharp, and stay alive.

These were not written in an attempt to convey an all knowingness on my part. I wrote these behind bars. These are simply observations and tips for those who engage in "non-traditional" politics. We are not enemies of the state, we are the people. We have the power.

I will leave you with two quotes from two of my favorite people.

"You can jail a revolutionary, you can not jail the revolution." Huey P. Newton - Founder of The Black Panther Party for self-defence

"I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man." Ernesto Che Guevara.


(Article by Jaimes Campbell)

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