Artist of the Month: Freshour Photography
Jordan Freshour is a Dayton, Ohio native, activist, and an amazing photographer. I was able to sit down with Jordan and ask him a few questions about his art and inspirations.

(Jordan Freshour. Image Source - Henry Chafin via Facebook)
I asked Jordan what inspired him to take up photography. It was a culmination of portraying activism in a different light, along with an early childhood interest in taking photos. His parents bought him his first camera, a Kodak 110, as a birthday present.
Jordan is not only a unique photographer, he is also a professionally trained audio engineer. In the past, he has mastered, recorded and produced various artists in the Dayton area. An early childhood love of music and time spent with musicians inspired Jordan.

(Columbus, OH march against Trump Nov. 23rd, 2015. Image Source - Jordan Freshour)
As his day job, Jordan is a home inspector in the Dayton/Columbus area. There may not seem to be a correlation between home inspection and photography to most people. But Jordan is able to take photos everyday of these homes. This allows him to practice his craft and improve as an artist.
Capture the real you is Jordan's slogan. He believes that "Humanity is most beautiful when it is expressed authentically. When it is shown to the world without pomp and circumstance." He wants to make the normal appear beautiful.

(Glen Helen Nature Preserve - Yellow Springs, OH. Image Source - Freshour Photography)
Jordan also likes to present the symbols that are all around us, yet many people do not notice. Whether it be in architecture or in other mediums, there are symbols that are used all around us that many people are unaware of, or are unaware of their meaning. He hopes that people "raise their consciousness," and to understand the things and symbols they are looking at everyday and what they mean.
Jordan's favorite things to photograph are film sets and his friends. I asked Jordan what he is most proud of with his photography to date. He said that is was his recent film set photo shoot that took place in the Dayton Arcade building. He had always wanted to be able to go inside of the building. The Arcade building has been closed since 1992, but it is a landmark in the City of Dayton. He had daydreamed about being inside of the Arcade and just a few days ago one of his dreams became a reality.

(Dayton Arcade. Image Source - Freshour Photography)
If you would like to know more about Jordan Freshour or contact him for a photography session you can find him on Facebook or his photography website.
In all honestly, Mr. Freshour and myself are friends. Putting that aside, he is honestly one of the best photographers I have ever met. He has his own style. You can tell a Freshour Photography portrait from others. If you have the need for a professional photographer, Jordan is your guy. Support local business and the arts.
(Article by Jaimes Campbell)