Wells Fargo, Financier of DAPL, to Host 15th Annual Energy Symposium for Pipeline and Big Oil: How t
On December 6-7, 2016, Wells Fargo will be hosting its 15th Annual Pipeline, MLP, and Utility Symposium (i.e. Energy Symposium). Currently, Wells Fargo is the leading financier and banker for America’s largest oil and gas companies.

On their website, Wells Fargo states that:
“The conference will consist of company presentations and panels with executives from more than 100 leading industry companies and will explore the trends in the Pipeline, MLP, Exploration, and Production, Oilfield Services, and Utility sectors.”
According to Will Parrish of Counterpunch, Wells Fargo is Energy Transfer Partner’s “administrative loan agent.” This means that “all bank financing ETP [Energy Transfer Partners] receives passes through Wells Fargo.” ETP is partial owner of DAPL.
In addition, Wells Fargo serves as the administrative agent for Enterprise Products Partners and Plains All American Pipeline, the two largest pipeline operators in the U.S.
To show our opposition to DAPL and Big Oil, DeFund DAPL asks that you “check in” to the Facebook protest in opposition to the symposium and Big Oil found here. We then ask that you copy and paste this letter on your Facebook page or share it elsewhere on social media:
Dear @WellsFargo and Attendees of Today’s Energy Symposium, I am "checking in" to tell you that I support Standing Rock and I will NOT stand idly by as you invest in industries & practices putting life on Planet Earth at risk, including the catastrophic Dakota Access Pipeline. When investment decisions affect climate change and human rights, we are all stakeholders. I will work to persuade everyone I know to withdraw every last penny from your accounts until you cancel loans for Dakota Access Pipeline & transfer all your investments to projects which are 100% sustainable for All People and Our Planet. We will not stand for the construction of DAPL & the destruction of our planet. This is our lives at stake! While there are a thousand ways to reap returns on your investments, there is only One Earth! Let's Protect It. We demand investment in clean, renewable energy practices. Sincerely, All of US