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Breaking: Active Shooter Reported at OSU in Columbus, Ohio

Monday, Nov. 28th an active shooting incident occured on the Ohio State University campus at Watts Hall. Police are checking cars and dumpsters for possible explosives. Columbus Bomb unit is on scene. There are currently 9 victims, 1 in CRITICAL condition. Police on scene confirm suspect is dead. OSU police along with, CPD, SRT are on the scene. There are also reports of someone being attacked with a machete as well as a vehicle driving through the crowd after a fire alarm went off. We will be continually updating this story as more information comes in. UPDATE 1: We have gotten word that there is a hostage negotiation team on the scene and that there may still be suspects at large.

UPDATE 2: Contributing Editor Lessa Leigh spoke to someone who works in the the building where the incident took place. Jennifer Garrett. Jennifer tells us "One shooter was in the parking garage (The Lane avenue garage) so we were evacuated and just kept heading away from the building. It was surrounded by cops. The Blue Danube took us in. There's more than 100 people here." She continued "We were barricaded in a conference room at first, then the fire alarm went off and we weren't sure if we should stay or if someone was trying to lure us out. Then the cops came in and were yelling at everyone to get out now and run north. We just kept going and going. The restaurant was nice to open up and house us for a bit. We can't get back into the garage/building yet."

UPDATE 3: At this point, it appears that the "active shooter" was the responding police officer. The suspect apparently drove his car into a building (possibly Watts Hall) and then got out of his car and allegedly attacked people with a knife, possibly a machete. The police responded, shooting and killing the suspect. It's unknown if any bullets struck bystanders as well.

UPDATE 4: An unnamed source from WOSU says, "Here's what we know - a man with a knife used his car to run into a group of people. He got out, and stabbed several individuals. An OSU police officer engaged and shot and killed the suspect. The injuries sustained are apparently stab wounds and the result of the car impact - 8 individuals are affected. There were rumors of 1 other suspect but that proved false at this time. All injuries so far have been treated at 3 hospitals including OSU. Police are still processing the scene. One more detail - officials say that as far as they know, the assailant did not have a gun. They will process the scene further to make a specific determination about a firearm. But right now, the gunshots heard were from the police officer when he engaged the suspect who did not follow his orders to disarm."

More to follow as information becomes available. (Article by: TRBT Editorial Staff) (Image courtesy of NBC Nightly News)

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