Pa. Legislature approves measure to block the release of officers names in shooting cases
Republican State Representative Martha White sponsored a bill that would block the release of the names of officers involved in shootings. St. Rep. White represents a district in Philadelphia.

(St. Rep. Martha White of Philadelphia, PA. Photo Credit - MATTHEW HALL)
Supporters of the bill claim this is to protect officers and their families after officer involved shootings. "We are the protectors of our protectors," said Rep. Dominic Costa, a Pittsburgh Democrat. It was mainly passed with Republican votes but some like Rep. Costa broke party lines.
Opponents of this bill believe this is just another way to potentially hinder the pursuit of justice. We already have a lack of transparency in may officer involved shooting, and this is just one more road block.
As The Philadelphia Inquirer reported:
"Do not undermine the bridges that have been built between law enforcement and communities of color," said Rep. Margo Davidson (D., Delaware) during a floor debate. "This legislation will do nothing but breed suspicion."
Current law lets local officials determine when to identify an officer who has used force. Under the bill, public officials would be barred from releasing the name of an officer involved in a shooting until 30 days after the incident, or after an official investigation into it ends.
Anyone who violates the gag could be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor. The state Attorney General's Office and district attorney's offices would be exempt.
The law would supercede current policy in Philadelphia, where the police department typically discloses names of officers involved in shootings within 72 hours after the incident - if there are no credible threats to those officers.
The Philadelphia Police department stated that if this bill becomes law, they will abide by it.
No one is sure if Gov. Wolf will veto or sign this bill into law. This bill, according to some, was rammed though both houses without adequate time to argue for and against the motion. The bill passed both houses with enough votes to "veto-proof" the law. If Gov. Wolf does veto it will require the house and senate to give this a second look in a rare reconvention after election day but before the new year.
(Article by Jaimes Campbell)