Update on Countdown for Conviction in Murder of Sam DuBose

(Samuel DuBose)
For months, after many postponements, the trial of Ray Tensing in regard to the murder of Sam DuBose was scheduled for October 25th at the Hamilton County Courthouse. Late on October 24th, the trial was yet again rescheduled to begin on October 31st.
On the 25th, many within the community asked that trial be moved into a larger courtroom, as the current courtroom is small and doesn't allow for any overflow crowd, and the county had set the "overflow" room to be outside the courthouse in the Hamilton County Jail across the street. City Councilwoman, Yvette Simpson, and members of BLAC (Black Lawyers Association of Cincinnati) led the request saying, "keeping (it) in a smaller courtroom does not help the public's perception of fairness as the Cincinnati community witnesses the progression of Mr. Tensing's trial."
In addition to concerns about the capacity of the courtroom, there was a motion from the defense attorney for Mr. Tensing, Stew Matthews, to bring Mr. DuBose's criminal and medical histories into evidence at trial. Judge Megan Shanahan denied the motion, but she did find in favor of allowing evidence that Mr. DuBose had a small amount of marijuana in his car (less than 1,000 grams) into trial.
Cincinnati has been on edge since Mr. Tensing killed Mr. DuBose in July of 2015. With memories of the 2001 riots from the extrajudicial killing of Timothy Thomas in Over-The-Rhine by police still fresh in the minds of downtown residents, some businesses have advised their employees of plans to "shelter in place", should there be unrest after the verdict is read. Overall, however, the mood of residents is calm and patient. As one Cincinnatian said, "I just want justice so that the community can begin to heal."

(Article by Lessa Leigh)