Indiana man broke an officer's jaw, sentenced to 30 years

Raymond Taylor II struck an officer back in June of 2016. Taylor's strike had enough force behind it to break that officer's jaw in three separate places.
Taylor II was incarcerated at the Clark County Jail at the time of the assault. According to jail officials, "two officers entered the pod and asked Taylor to stop sitting on one of the tables in the common area, but Taylor refused. Sitting on top of tables is against jail rules." One officer was standing near Taylor with handcuffs according to the description of the video. Taylor then "lunged" at that officer and struck him in the mouth. Apparently Taylor attempted to continue his assault on the injured officer, but a Second officer was able to restrain Taylor before he was able.
As News and Tribune reported:
The injured officer was taken to Clark Memorial Hospital and later, to University of Louisville Hospital for surgery. He had three broken bones in his jaw and his jaw was wired shut for at least two weeks after. Gray said the officer still has a plate and six screws in his jaw.
On Monday, Taylor was sentenced to 30 years with the Indiana Department of Corrections. A level 3 felony has a sentencing range between three and 16 years, and Taylor received the maximum plus another 14 years for being convicted as a habitual offender. Online court records show Taylor has been convicted of at least five felonies and four misdemeanors. Gray added that Taylor has repeatedly violated his terms of probation in previous cases.
"So he's been given those chances, not one or two or three times, but six, seven or eight times to change or reform, and he hasn't," Gray said. "So you get to the point where your chance for probation and those things are over and then it's an executed sentence."
While I do feel Raymond Taylor II was in the wrong here, I find it outrageous that someone is sentenced for 30 years for assault. Brock Turner gets 3 months jail time for rape, yet Taylor is going to serve at least 14 years for assaulting an officer.
Police kill innocent, unarmed people in America almost everyday. Many of these officers are never charged, or get "slap on the wrist" sentences. There are many officers that wrongfully used force, even deadly force, against civilians that are still employed at their perspective departments.
I feel that this case is another perfect example of the "injustice system" at work. What is your opinion?
Leave your comments below.
(Article by Jaimes Campbell)